Caiphas Soyapi

  • LLD candidate
  • North-West University, Environment, Law & Human Rights


Caiphas is a Zimbabwean legal researcher and academic who specialises in environmental law. His current area of focus is analysing global environmental justice through the constitutionalisation of environmental rights in Africa, including investigations related to the intersection of sustainability and the law. Caiphas has presented papers at a number of international conferences on topics including poaching in Africa, water security, environmental racism, as well as environmental rights. He has published widely on the topic of customary law, business and human rights, and enviromental law Forthcoming peer reviewed works will address water security in Southern Africa; environmental justice and slow violence in relation to Marikana; the socio-legal impacts of Zimbabwe’s ‘Look East Policy’; and good environmental governance (GEG) in the extractive industry. He will also be editing a forthcoming UNEP book on Global Environmental Constitutionalism. Caiphas has been involved in arranging a number of high level symposiums, including hosting the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and the Environment.

Greatest Achievement

Managing to complete four peer reviewed and accredited manuscripts in one year while working on my PhD.

Professional Interests

Transnational Environmental Rights Law