Annual Alumni Dinner: (from left) Khensani Motileni, Phila Msimang, Kline Smith, Orefile Malope

The Scholars’ Scholar Award, launched in 2011, is a unique Canon Collins Scholarship funded through the efforts of alumni. Alumni wanting to acknowledge the opportunity they have had to study can contribute to the campaign, making it possible for another to travel the same road.
This award is the Canon Collins Trust’s most prestigious scholarship. The recipient, who is selected by alumni, is an exceptional person: someone who embodies, and can meaningfully contribute to, the Trust’s vision of an open and just society.

We invite your, our valued network member, to contribute, even as little as R60 per month, to support the education of the next Scholars’ Scholar and to help pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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“Donating offers me the opportunity to give someone else the chance to live their dreams. In doing so, my own dreams continue to grow long after my own scholarship experience has come and gone.”


Orefile Malope, Canon Collins Alumna and Scholars’ Scholar Campaign donor