Tiwoloke Project

Involved alumni:

The challenge that the project addresses

The Tiwoloke project in Wathuluwa and Matuta villages in Malawi focuses on changing mindsets to facilitate poverty reduction through development activities in the areas of:EducationEntrepreneurship building and business skillsHealthNutritionAgricultureElderly SupportGirls Assertiveness lnitiativeWomen Empowerment

What is your project doing to respond to this challenge?

Mainly at the moment our programme is focusing in the following areas:

Civic Education
Business skills and Agricultural trainings
Sensitisation meetings
Capacity building
Information sharing
Girls and Women empowerment

The project is bringing a tremendous change in the lives of the targeted population as it is using them as agents of their own communities’ transformation. It mainly focuses on capacity building, information sharing and sensitization and since its inception in 2014 there has been increased enrollment rates, reduced dropout rates, self sufficient households, well nourished communities and business orientated communities.

Describe the project's impact

Education – improved enrollments rates (69% – 79% academic year)
Health – improved reproductive health services(health facilities within a parameter of a KM.)
Agriculture- accessibility to farm inputs and loans from 21% to 69%
Nutrition – increased advocacy and action on school feeding programs in their schools from 0% to 45%
Business skills – Visionary communities and households with family planning skills and business skills/plans. Establishment of loan groups and loans acquisition
Elderly program – acceptance by the communities of our elderly as very useful agents in wise experiences sharing, counselling, improved elderly welfare. Reduced early girl child pregnancy.