Pamhidzayi Mhongera

  • Postdoctoral research fellow
  • University of Pretoria, Social Sciences


Pamhidzayi was born in Mufakose in Harare, Zimbabwe. After some misdirected choices earlier on in her teenage years, Pamhidzayi went on to have an illustrious academic career. She was awarded a Chevening Scholarship, a Brookings research fellowship, a Graca Machel/Canon Collins Scholarship and a postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Pretoria. Pamhidzayi has been a Human Resources Practitioner for over 10 years for the then Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited. She has also worked as a Microfinance Projects Manager for the multi-donor projects portfolio of MicroKing Savings and Credit Company, and as Technical Advisor for the national Harmonised Social Cash Transfer programme. Pamhizayi is now passionate about producing research and supporting social programmes that empower vulnerable adolescent girls. She is a founding member of Blossoms Children Community and Youth in Transition Trust.

Greatest Achievement

Seeing orphans and vulnerable children in Blossoms Children Community breaking the cycle of poverty and vulnerability and becoming empowered youth with a bright future.

Professional Interests

Working for an international non-governmental organisation serving orphans and vulnerable children and youth; research and consultancy.