Dr Ndlovu is an oral historian whose Ph.D. (Historical Studies) focused on mass violence, memory as well as local transitional justice initiatives in post-colonial Zimbabwe. She earned MSocSci and BSocSci [Hons] degrees in Social Development and a BSocSci (Gender) from the University of Cape Town in South Africa. She also fulfilled an Executive Masters at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations. In addition, Nompilo is an alumnus of the African Leadership Centre where she completed the Peace and Security Fellowship for African Women (2011/2012) and fulfilled a secondment at the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD) representing the East Africa/Horn of Africa region. She currently serves as the Cape Town Centre Director for the Global Institute – Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE).
Dr Ndlovu has over 10 years’ experience working as a practitioner mostly within the disciplines of Gender, Development and Security throughout the African Continent. Her research expertise interconnects socio-economic-political relations (with a focus on exclusion and marginalisation), conflict, trauma and justice, as well as leadership, using qualitative methods such as life-histories and vernacular archives. In this regard, her work at the WHEAT Women’s Fund (Women’s Hope Education and Training) in South Africa was a connecting nexus with intersectional feminism as the thread. Sister organisations to this work in Africa included the African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) and Urgent Action Fund (UAF). Further, Ndlovu was a Women’s Funding Network Bridge Builder in the 2011 – 2012 Cohort.
She has produced several outputs including bi-weekly podcasts for the Development Hub (, scoping exercises, evaluation reports, policy briefs, advisory reports, academic research etc.
Current Honours:
- International Editorial Advisory Board of the Oral History Journal (2023 – present)
- Council member (i.e., Africa Representative) of the International Oral History Association – IOHA (2021 – present)
- Gender Specialist serving as a Section Six Committee member of the South African Commission for Gender Equality (2021 – present)
- Geneva Centre for Security Policy Alumni (2021)