Khutso Mashifane

  • University of the Western Cape, Law


Khutso is the 2nd youngest of 6 from a particularly rural area in Limpopo. He prides himself on being semi-erudite and  he loves movies, memes and Liverpool FC (YNWA). He often displays anti-social tendencies but never willingly and he, time and again attempts to better himself and has made huge strides in recent memory. He intends to one day become a state law advisor though this is certainly not carved in stone and he is more than willing to take up another field within the legal profession, for this may only be a goal informed by ignorance and lack of exposure. Politically, he is pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-anything that shows at least some potential of slowing down the current rate of global warming. His interest in preserving the environment is not merely aimed at climate change but also the ecosystem needless to say he is against poaching and all forms of illegal hunting, and the burning of forests, particularly rain forests for capital gain. He has a keen interest in geopolitics and world history and one of his main hobbies includes reading up on the said interests.