Innocent Kommwa

  • International Health Communication Consultant
  • Queen Mary University of London, Health


Innocent Kommwa is a seasoned health and development communication expert with more than 17 years of experience in using communication to improve health and development outcomes. His work has focused on assisting communities in HIV prevention; increasing uptake of reproductive, maternal and child health interventions; promoting girls’ education; and prevention of malaria. Innocent helped found the Pakachere Institute of Health and Development Communication, one of the leading health communication NGOs in Malawi and Southern Africa. He has also done work with other national and international organisations, including UNICEF, UNFPA, UNOPS, FHI 360, Oxfam PSI andCARE International. Innocent currently provides consultancy services in health, social, and behaviour change communication to a number of organisations, with recent assignments being in Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone.

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Greatest Achievement

Being awarded the prestigious Simon Gaskell Canon Collins Scholarship to study at Queen MaryUniversity of London.

Professional Interests

Advancing health and development of adolescents all over Africa.