Anyway Mutetwa
- Executive Director , Envision Zimbabwe Women’s Trust
- University of Sussex, MA Conflict, Security and Development
Anyway has 13 years’ experience working with government, international and local non-governmental organisations, and inter-governmental organisations focusing on Peace Building, Human Rights and Development. Of these 13 years he has over seven years’ experience as Executive Director of Envision Zimbabwe Women’s Trust, working on Women’s Rights, particularly women and girls in rural Zimbabwe focusing on policy development around poverty reduction, women’s empowerment, promotion and protection of Gender Equality including safeguarding of the girl child in social, economic and political processes at community level. Prior to that he worked with and coordinated the work of civic groups working on human rights and democracy in Zimbabwe including faith-based organisations under the Church and Civil Society Forum (CCSF). He was the focal person and coordinator of over 50 Human Rights NGOs working on the Universal Periodic (UPR) Human Rights Reporting for 2011-2012 in Zimbabwe. Recognising the nexus between Conflict Security and Development, He has also worked extensively on conflict and violence prevention; human rights lobbying and advocacy; civil society coordination and capacity strengthening of civil society in Zimbabwe including women’s groups and networks. He has experience in the area of Security Sector Reform working with the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) especially female police officers under the ZRP Police Women’s Network focusing on gender women’s rights, gender equality and leadership.