Artist receives his first degree, Masters cum Laude

Scott Williams, graduated cum laude on the 11th of December (on his birthday!) with his Masters in Visual Studies from Stellenbosch University. What makes his distinction particularly significant is that this Masters is his first degree.  With only a matric certificate, Williams was assisted to obtain Recognition of Prior Learning to gain admittance to the Master’s programme in Visual Studies by the University of Stellenbosch. His own career and education journey as an artist and art teacher has been through various informal opportunities, including workshops, residencies and libraries.

“When I think about the youth, I see myself in them, and I see talented young people who also need to be exposed to similar opportunities.”

His thesis on informal art education for youth who lack access to opportunity for education and advancement was titled, Drawing from the Past to Plot the Future: Freirian Methodologies for Socially Engaged Youth Arts Education in South Africa

In his interview with us below, Scott talks about how his informal journey of learning taught him to be more entrepreneurial and innovative in his approach to his practice.

Scott has gleaned best practices from multiple environments and has compiled a mentorship programme that will allow youth of colour to hack their arts career, giving them a vital support in this competitive environment.